Working From Home + Homeschooling During COVID-19
I’ve seen many resources for working from home if you don’t normally (not an issue for me), and…
Thoughts on Mental Health, or, Can’t You Just Make Yourself Do It?
You may be wondering what this post could possibly have to do with technology. Everything, and nothing. Nothing…
AddThis: A New Love Affair
I’m 1000000000000% certain I am very late to this party, because there was a long time between the…
Work, Life, Learning
I’m going to tell you a secret. Are you sitting down? Are you ready? I’m exhausted. Some of…
Coding and Rubber Duckies
♫ Rubber ducky, you’re the one! ♫ A nightmare of a week with competing deadlines and other issues…
A Lesson in Learning
This post didn’t turn out the way I expected it to, but it still drives the point I…
Jump in the Deep End
“Always apply for a job even if you only meet half their requirements. No one can fit them…
Mental Shifts
As a relatively new developer (aka not coding since I could talk) when I step into a new…
Web, Windows, and Mac: A Story
Like many developers who prefer Mac to PC, I find myself in a position at a place where…
OSS: Ooooh, Shiny! Syndrome
Tech moves fast. Super hella fast. The best analogy I’ve heard was in a meeting recently, tech years…

Tyler Moore
Hello, my name is Tyler Moore and with the help of many people I made this template. I made it so it is super easy to update and so that it flows perfectly with my tutorials. I wish you the best of luck with your business, enjoy the adventure.
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