Landing Page
Unified landing page for internal use. Collection of internal pricing and packaging tools. Deployed in Angular and TypeScript…
centurionmp.com Redesign
With the old website in use for around 10 years, it was decided that a fresh take was…
Newsletter Code
Template for eNewsletters used while new marketing website was undergoing major overhaul. Code Snippet
Volunteer Signup Page
A site used by a political campaign to register and organize volunteers for election day monitoring at polling…
Laravel + WordPress Part 2: The Laravel Part
Now that we have WordPress all set up, and secured, we can move on to setting up the…
Laravel + WordPress Part 1: Setting Up WordPress
When I discovered Laravel a few years ago, I was mainly a front-end dev professionally and buried in…

Jenny Rasmussen
Hi! I’m Jenny Rasmussen, a recovering developer hailing from SE Michigan. I am currently seeking work as a Scrum Master. Learn more about me!