Shiiiiiiiiit…. Or: I just told Chrome to Always Do Something that I don’t want it to
It was late in the day at work yesterday when I was trying to get some new code…
Floodlight Tags: The Ugly
Back in February, I was a part of creating and publishing a super-rush-get-it-out-now website that I spoke a…
Using S3 for Media Storage on WordPress
This post, really, is for me more than anyone else. There is usually enough time between the set…
Coding and Rubber Duckies
♫ Rubber ducky, you’re the one! ♫ A nightmare of a week with competing deadlines and other issues…
Select a Mess: Choosing a CMS
At the tail end of last year, I wrote about Ooooh, Shiny Syndrome and mentioned that we were…
It’s true, I finally carved out time to write a script for Trello!
With my recent change of jobs, I finally had the energy and interest to write the script I’ve…
Trello Part 9,467,352
I have written a *lot* about my use of Trello. If you want to read about that to…
Learning to Code, Part 2: Don’t Start with JavaScript
————————————————————————————————- Part 1 ————————————————————————————————- For someone coming from the tiniest background of HTML and CSS, JavaScript was a…
Learning to Code, Part 1: Early Beginnings
Learning to code is one hell of an adventure. I’ve spoken about the start of my journey often,…

Tyler Moore
Hello, my name is Tyler Moore and with the help of many people I made this template. I made it so it is super easy to update and so that it flows perfectly with my tutorials. I wish you the best of luck with your business, enjoy the adventure.
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