Passion Projects
Patternography Allowed users to enter pattern information into a personal, searchable database and makes it easier to find…
Landing Page
Unified landing page for internal use. Collection of internal pricing and packaging tools. Deployed in Angular and TypeScript…
- Redesign
With the old website in use for around 10 years, it was decided that a fresh take was…
Newsletter Code
Template for eNewsletters used while new marketing website was undergoing major overhaul. Code Snippet
Volunteer Signup Page
A site used by a political campaign to register and organize volunteers for election day monitoring at polling…
The Name of the Game is Iteration: 10 years and counting
The past couple weeks I’ve been working on cleaning out my home office closet and re-organizing it. I…
Working From Home + Homeschooling During COVID-19
I’ve seen many resources for working from home if you don’t normally (not an issue for me), and…
Laravel + WordPress Part 2: The Laravel Part
Now that we have WordPress all set up, and secured, we can move on to setting up the…
Laravel + WordPress Part 1: Setting Up WordPress
When I discovered Laravel a few years ago, I was mainly a front-end dev professionally and buried in…
Tyler Moore
Hello, my name is Tyler Moore and with the help of many people I made this template. I made it so it is super easy to update and so that it flows perfectly with my tutorials. I wish you the best of luck with your business, enjoy the adventure.