
Trello Bytes3 – Personal Projects!

I use Trello. A lot. At work, at home, any possible way that I can use it, I do. And I preach (annoying, I know) the amazingness of Trello to everyone I meet. I have seven boards on my personal Trello account. Yes, you read that right. I have seven. This is a short series…

I use Trello. A lot. At work, at home, any possible way that I can use it, I do. And I preach (annoying, I know) the amazingness of Trello to everyone I meet. I have seven boards on my personal Trello account. Yes, you read that right. I have seven.

This is a short series of how I use Trello to over organize my life. Part 1, Part 2.

I have a lot of ideas, so much stuff I want to do. I am tracking four websites, an app, and two blogs. It seems like a lot of stuff to track in one board, but I needed to consolidate, because my number of boards was out. of. control. With the labels and some less than specific naming of columns, I am able to track all of my posts (I draft in the card descriptions), bugs, features, and things that are done or published. But some of this I want to keep private while I’m still working on it, so here is a cute gif of a husky (like Taco!) in the fridge instead of a screenshot of the board:

It’s a system I refined frequently. As I write this, I’m thinking about different ways to make parent/child relationships clearer. A problem I’ve tackled at work, and talked about here.

My main problem is that I have all these ideas, and no where near enough time to do them all. So, if Trello could come up with a way to increase the hours in the day, I would be most grateful.

**I was not asked to write or compensated in any way by Trello for this series. I just love Trello that. much.**

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